تصفح الكمية:0 الكاتب:ووندي الطيار الآلي نشر الوقت: 2022-04-21 المنشأ:Wondee Autoparts
Production Process Guidance of Leaf Springs
1. Definition:
Heat the spring flat bars to a specified temperature, and then use special equipment and tooling molds to roll the ends of the spring flat steel into 1 / 4, 1 / 2, 3 / 4 circular eyes or other arcs.
Relevant dimensions of eyes wrapping technology are shown in Figure 1 below.
(Figure 1. Schematic diagram of eyes wrapping)
2. Application:
The 2nd leaf or 3rd leaf of a leaf spring.
3. Operating procedures:
3.1. Inspection before eye wrapping
Before wrapping the eyes, check the inspection qualification mark of the previous process of spring flat bars, which must be qualified.At the same time, check the specifications of spring flat bars(width, thickness and length), only they meet the process requirements, the wrapping process can be allowed to start.
3.2. Heating
Heating with furnace, the furnace temperature is controlled at 900-1000 ℃, and the heating length of spring flat bar = flat bar length / 2-L1+40mm. If the heating equipment fails for more than 10 minutes during the heating process, the heating shall be stopped, and the heated spring flat bar shall be pulled out of the furnace to avoid over-heating and over-burning.
According to the shape and size data of the wrapped eyes, select the suitable wrapping mandrel.
3.4. Positioning of eye wrapping
When wrapping a eye, it is positioned by the central hole. If it is parabolic spring flat bar, the flat side of the spring flat bar shall be placed upward (and the tapered inclined plane side of the bar shall be downward), and then wrapping.
When wrapping a eye, first piece of spring steel flat bar must be inspected firstly. Only it pass the first inspection, the mass production can be carried on.
See Table 1 for the inspection frequency after the first inspection to avoid unqualified products in the production process. The tests related to wrapping eyes are as follows:
1) Thesymmetry detection ofedge cutting and corner cutting of wrapped eyes are shown in Figure 2 below.
(Figure 2. Symmetry detection of edge cutting and corner cutting of wrapped eyes)
2) Thesymmetry detection of the eyes wrapping process is shown in Figure 3 below.
(Figure 3. Symmetry detection of wrapped eyes process)
3)Shape detection of wrapped eyes, as shown in Figure 4 below.
(Figure 4. Shape detection of wrapped eyes)
3.6. إدارة المواد
يجب تكديس البارات المسطحة لفصل الربيع المصنوعة من العين. يحظر وضعها في الإرادة، مما أدى إلى كدمات السطح. يجب أن يتم علامات تأهيل التفتيش ويجب لصق بطاقات نقل العمل.
4. معايير التفتيش للعيون التفاف (الرجوع إلى المعيار: GB / T 1984-2018 / ISO 18137: 2015 MOD Leaf Spring - المواصفات الفنية):
القياسات وفقا للشكل 1 الشكل 2، تظهر معايير التفتيش من التفاف العين في الجدول 1 أدناه.
جمعتهاwondee autoparts.